21 research outputs found

    Computer system to replace the directory of professors in the lobbies at EETAC buildings

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    UPC buildings host a large number of staff: administrative personnel and services (APS), teaching and research staff (TRS), interns, visiting professors, phd students and post-doc students among others. It is often necessary to find people in a multitude of possible scenarios. The most common situation is when a new visitor to the building needs to find the office where somebody is located. The technology used in the UPC is now obsolete and gives a very inferior service to the capabilities of current computer technology: currently used physical location panels are generally decorations. Needless to say, the hardware has numerous limitations that range from the static nature of the information, to the high cost of maintenance. The possibility of using computer technology expands exponentially the possible uses of a directory. First it occupies little space. The occupied space is limited to the need for a computer terminal. Typically a location panel can take between 4 m2 and 1m2 on walls in the lobby. It is not always possible to find its optimal position in the spatial distribution of the lobby. In addition, the computerized location panel can be interactive, so that it only presents information relevant to the user. Another advantage of computerized panel is its ease of maintenance and the marginal cost of information updating. Therefore, the objective of PFC is to create a tool with a graphical user interface that allows interactive access to the directory staff of the buildings of the UPC, also to do a study on existing technologies and how to use them for our purpose

    Computer system to replace the directory of professors in the lobbies at EETAC buildings

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    UPC buildings host a large number of staff: administrative personnel and services (APS), teaching and research staff (TRS), interns, visiting professors, phd students and post-doc students among others. It is often necessary to find people in a multitude of possible scenarios. The most common situation is when a new visitor to the building needs to find the office where somebody is located. The technology used in the UPC is now obsolete and gives a very inferior service to the capabilities of current computer technology: currently used physical location panels are generally decorations. Needless to say, the hardware has numerous limitations that range from the static nature of the information, to the high cost of maintenance. The possibility of using computer technology expands exponentially the possible uses of a directory. First it occupies little space. The occupied space is limited to the need for a computer terminal. Typically a location panel can take between 4 m2 and 1m2 on walls in the lobby. It is not always possible to find its optimal position in the spatial distribution of the lobby. In addition, the computerized location panel can be interactive, so that it only presents information relevant to the user. Another advantage of computerized panel is its ease of maintenance and the marginal cost of information updating. Therefore, the objective of PFC is to create a tool with a graphical user interface that allows interactive access to the directory staff of the buildings of the UPC, also to do a study on existing technologies and how to use them for our purpose

    Desenvolupament d'una aplicació GeoWeb per a dispositius mòbils

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    La idea principal d’aquest projecte és comprovar l’estat actual de les tecnologies web actuals per desenvolupar una GeoWeb per a dispositius mòbils. Aquestes tecnologies, a part de les tradicionals en el desenvolupament web (HTML, PHP, JavaScript,...) són AJAX i l’API de Google Maps. Per fer-ho es desenvoluparà una aplicació web que ofereixi als usuaris una sèrie de funcionalitats per poder realitzar estudis estadístics en poblacions rurals. Una d’aquestes funcionalitats, i d’aquí la seva part de GeoWeb, serà la possibilitat de crear mapes amb contingut propi. Per poder desenvolupar l’aplicació, s’han estudiat prèviament els conceptes bàsics de la tecnologia AJAX i s’ha comprovat el seu funcionament a través de la pròpia pàgina de Google Maps. Aquesta tecnologia dota les pàgines o aplicacions web de més velocitat i dinamisme millorant l’experiència de l’usuari. Una part molt important també ha sigut la de comprendre el funcionament del Google Maps i les possibilitats que ofereix la seva API per poder aprofitar-les al màxim. Un cop clars els avantatges i/o serveis que ofereixen aquestes tecnologies i després de realitzar un disseny adequat dels requisits del sistema, s’ha implementat l’aplicació. La implementació s’ha dividit en diverses parts, cada una d’elles validada per una sèrie de proves, que han permès obtenir els resultats esperats després de fer les modificacions necessàries. Finalment s’ha aconseguit disposar d’una aplicació que permet enregistrar les dades dels clients, gestionar-les i utilitzar-les per crear gràfics. A més a més s’hi poden crear mapes afegint-los marcadors, als que se’ls hi pot afegir contingut (imatges, enllaços,...) i reeditar-los un cop emmagatzemats. També s’hi poden calcular rutes per carretera entre dos punts del mapa

    Desenvolupament d'una aplicació GeoWeb per a dispositius mòbils

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    La idea principal d’aquest projecte és comprovar l’estat actual de les tecnologies web actuals per desenvolupar una GeoWeb per a dispositius mòbils. Aquestes tecnologies, a part de les tradicionals en el desenvolupament web (HTML, PHP, JavaScript,...) són AJAX i l’API de Google Maps. Per fer-ho es desenvoluparà una aplicació web que ofereixi als usuaris una sèrie de funcionalitats per poder realitzar estudis estadístics en poblacions rurals. Una d’aquestes funcionalitats, i d’aquí la seva part de GeoWeb, serà la possibilitat de crear mapes amb contingut propi. Per poder desenvolupar l’aplicació, s’han estudiat prèviament els conceptes bàsics de la tecnologia AJAX i s’ha comprovat el seu funcionament a través de la pròpia pàgina de Google Maps. Aquesta tecnologia dota les pàgines o aplicacions web de més velocitat i dinamisme millorant l’experiència de l’usuari. Una part molt important també ha sigut la de comprendre el funcionament del Google Maps i les possibilitats que ofereix la seva API per poder aprofitar-les al màxim. Un cop clars els avantatges i/o serveis que ofereixen aquestes tecnologies i després de realitzar un disseny adequat dels requisits del sistema, s’ha implementat l’aplicació. La implementació s’ha dividit en diverses parts, cada una d’elles validada per una sèrie de proves, que han permès obtenir els resultats esperats després de fer les modificacions necessàries. Finalment s’ha aconseguit disposar d’una aplicació que permet enregistrar les dades dels clients, gestionar-les i utilitzar-les per crear gràfics. A més a més s’hi poden crear mapes afegint-los marcadors, als que se’ls hi pot afegir contingut (imatges, enllaços,...) i reeditar-los un cop emmagatzemats. També s’hi poden calcular rutes per carretera entre dos punts del mapa

    Computer system to replace the directory of professors in the lobbies at EETAC buildings

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    UPC buildings host a large number of staff: administrative personnel and services (APS), teaching and research staff (TRS), interns, visiting professors, phd students and post-doc students among others. It is often necessary to find people in a multitude of possible scenarios. The most common situation is when a new visitor to the building needs to find the office where somebody is located. The technology used in the UPC is now obsolete and gives a very inferior service to the capabilities of current computer technology: currently used physical location panels are generally decorations. Needless to say, the hardware has numerous limitations that range from the static nature of the information, to the high cost of maintenance. The possibility of using computer technology expands exponentially the possible uses of a directory. First it occupies little space. The occupied space is limited to the need for a computer terminal. Typically a location panel can take between 4 m2 and 1m2 on walls in the lobby. It is not always possible to find its optimal position in the spatial distribution of the lobby. In addition, the computerized location panel can be interactive, so that it only presents information relevant to the user. Another advantage of computerized panel is its ease of maintenance and the marginal cost of information updating. Therefore, the objective of PFC is to create a tool with a graphical user interface that allows interactive access to the directory staff of the buildings of the UPC, also to do a study on existing technologies and how to use them for our purpose

    Reproducibility and consistency of proteomic experiments on natural populations of a nonmodel aquatic insect species

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    Population proteomics has a great potential to address evolutionary and ecological questions, but its use in wild populations of non-model organisms is hampered by uncontrolled sources of variation. Here we compare the response to temperature extremes of two geographically distant populations of a diving beetle species (Agabus ramblae) using 2-D DIGE. After one week of acclimation in the laboratory under standard conditions, a third of the specimens of each population were placed at either 4 or 27°C for 12 h, with another third left as a control. We then compared the protein expression level of three replicated samples of 2–3 specimens for each treatment. Within each population, variation between replicated samples of the same treatment was always lower than variation between treatments, except for some control samples that retained a wider range of expression levels. The two populations had a similar response, without significant differences in the number of protein spots over- or under-expressed in the pairwise comparisons between treatments. We identified exemplary proteins among those differently expressed between treatments, which proved to be proteins known to be related to thermal response or stress. Overall, our results indicate that specimens collected in the wild are suitable for proteomic analyses, as the additional sources of variation were not enough to mask the consistency and reproducibility of the response to the temperature treatments.This work was funded by the Spanish government through the I+D+i programme, grants CGL2007-61665 and CGL2010-15755.Peer Reviewe


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    Table S1. Standardized volumes of the 563 spots common to all experiments for all treatments. Highlighted in green, spots which proteins have been identified (see Tables 2,3). RT: room temperature treatment (control). Biological replicas: r1, 2, 3


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    Fasta file with the contigs of the whole transcriptome of combined specimens of Agabus ramblae (Coleoptera, Dytiscidae) after being subjected for 12h to three temperature treatments: 4ÂşC, control (room temperature) and 27ÂşC